Contact Us​

For any questions regarding our website, history or services, please contact us by filling out the following form.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Secretary:- Russ Gittins.
President:- Peter Fleming.

Call Us​

Russ 0427 880 555
Peter 0428 502 885

Email Us​

Or drop us a line at P O Box 1311CP, Mildura, 3502

Follow us​
Free Tuition​:

New Members Wanted​

The Mildura District Pipeband has begun a major recruiting drive for new members
Anyone interested in joining the band or learning to play the bagpipes or the drums should contact the Secretary on   0427 880 555
The band will provide instruments on free loan to those wishing to learn.
The band practices every Wednesday night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
in the Old Aerodrome Ovals Pavilion off 11th Street.

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