About Us​

Our members come from many backgrounds and walks of life. 
Most have a Celt or two in the gene pool, but it isn’t a requirement! 
A love of highland music, however, IS! Like most country bands, we suffer from the drift of our young people to the larger cities: too many of our younger members just reach a level of competence when they have to move away for their education or their work.  Nevertheless, we have managed to maintain a core of about eight pipers and three or four drummers, and we are always on the lookout for new members.

Learning to Play:

We offer individual and group tuition, free of charge, in both the pipes and the drums.  Anyone interested in learning to play these ancient and emotionally-charged instruments  should contact the Secretary.

How Long will it Take:  The pipes:

Learning to play this instrument requires dedication and it will take most people 12-18 months to gain some proficiency.  It is usual to learn on a Practice Chanter [Below] before graduating to the full instrument.  It’s a help if you can read music, but not essential.  About half an hour’s practice a day is desirable.

Tenor drumming:

(The “twirly type” of drumming) is the easiest to learn, and looks very impressive.

Side drumming:

Is more elaborate and takes longer. Progression to the playing band can take from 6 to 18 months.


Most of the pipers in the band own their own sets of pipes – many of them heirlooms which have been passed down for almost a century. However, the band does have some sets of pipes which are available free to playing members on permanent loan. We also have several drums which are available on the same basis. 


The band has a supply of uniforms which are available to playing members free of charge.


The band practices weekly from 7.00pm to 9.00pm on Wednesdays at the Old Aerodrome Ovals Pavilion, off 11th St. (the last entrance on the left, before the Flora Ave turn-off towards Merbein).  You’re welcome to drop in.

Free Tuition:

New Members Wanted​

The Mildura District Pipeband has begun a major recruiting drive for new members
Anyone interested in joining the band or learning to play the bagpipes or the drums should contact the Secretary on   0427 880 555
The band will provide instruments on free loan to those wishing to learn.
The band practices every Wednesday night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
in the Old Aerodrome Ovals Pavilion off 11th Street.

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